Doc T (Macha MC Book 1) Read online

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  “A little tired.” She yawned and linked her arm in his. “But better now.”

  “I may have accidentally told a few people about the baby,” he said sheepishly. His blue eyes darted to the door, then back to her. “I hope that’s okay?”

  She smirked. “I haven’t even told my da.”

  “Oh.” He scratched his chin. “Yeah, I may have done that too.” He opened the door and a rush of warm air greeted her. “But I’ll make it up to you.”

  “How so?” She stepped inside and the scent of cinnamon drifted to her. Eyes wide, she met his face. “You didn’t.”

  He grinned. “I did.”

  Isa beamed at him, then rushed down the hallway to the kitchen. Sure enough, his mouthwatering cinnamon concoctions sat fresh from the oven on the countertop. “Oh my God, they’re still warm.” She grabbed one, icing dripping onto her fingers, and took a bite. “This is better than sex,” she moaned around her mouthful.

  “I sure fucking hope not or you’re doing something wrong, Doc,” Rubble teased, walking into the room.

  Sitting on one of the barstools, Isa happily munched on the twists of cinnamon. More Macha members filed into the kitchen, their noses bringing their rumbling stomachs toward the goodies. Soon, the noise level attracted Reaper and Queenie. They stood in the doorway, Reaper’s arm around Queenie’s waist, a proud smile on their faces. They were the pure epitome of Macha.

  Doc joked with his brothers and took the baking comments with ease. Every now and then, he’d glance her way. His eyes always held more adoration than she could comprehend. It was something she’d come to love about her biker. No one else would do. She was a Macha princess first, but now she was more than that. She was a Macha old lady, and nothing compared to the pride her new title instilled.

  A tall and muscular biker walked into the kitchen, and she eyed him warily. She’d only spoken to Kevlar once. Something suspicious hovered just below the surface with him. There was chatter amongst the nymphs, but none she could pin down. The gossip revolved around Kevlar and a mysterious tattooed woman they’d all seen around Snowshoe over the autumn.

  With the Twelve Brothers currently sated, Isa could only imagine the recent discussions at church involved their neighboring MC rival, the Greenback Cutthroats. She’d been too entangled in her love bubble with Doc to really know what—if anything—simmered between the two MCs.

  Dolly slipped into the room and smiled at Isa. Thankfully, after her return, the two had cleared the air. Isa was never more grateful to have a sister, even if she was a bit loony at times.

  “All right, fuckers, I’m outta here,” Doc called, flipping his middle fingers up.

  “Good luck, big daddy,” Hawk teased.

  Isa followed, but only after grabbing another five rolls. The fresh treats wouldn’t last till the morning—she’d learned the hard way over the last few months.

  “Everything okay with the club?” she asked once they were safely stowed in his truck.

  “Not really, but it’s nothing to worry about.” Doc cranked the heat and turned toward her. His eyes slowly scanned her face, then down her torso. “You, on the other hand, should worry about something else completely.”

  She recognized the lustful gleam in his blue eyes. “And why is that?”

  “Because I’m going to dote on you so fucking much you’ll be sick of me by the time this baby’s born.” He slid across the seat and caught her lips in a heated kiss. Isa couldn’t catch her breath, nor did she want to. With Doc, she was the woman she was always meant to be.

  “I’ll never get sick of you.”

  He lifted his tattooed hand to her face and gently caressed her cheek with his knuckles. “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Promise, Doc T?”

  “Always, princess.” His lips brushed against hers once more, and Isa succumbed to his touch like every time before. They’d met under strained circumstances and fell in love despite kidnappings and shoot-outs. If they could survive those, she was positive their future would be filled with passion, suspense, and a few surprises along the way.

  I hope you loved Doc T and are keen on the next book in the Macha MC series. Awesome news, KEVLAR is available HERE!

  If you love bad boys, be sure to check out APPOINTED BY FATE, book one in my bad boy romance trilogy.


  First off, thank you to Hot Tree Publishing for encouraging me to pursue a motorcycle club series. I also want to thank my beta readers and editors for making me smile despite the grueling editing process.

  To my faithful readers and friends who preorder just because you see my name, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Also by Skye McNeil

  A Bad Boy Romance Trilogy

  Appointed by Fate

  Exonerated with Love


  Atlas Series

  Hearts Abroad

  Oceans Away

  Macha MC Series

  Doc T


  About the Author

  Skye McNeil began writing at the age of seventeen and has been lost in a love affair ever since. During the day, she moonlights as a paralegal at a law firm favoring criminal law.

  Skye enjoys writing romantic comedies and cozy mysteries novels that leave readers wanting more and falling in love over and over. She writes contemporary and historical novels ranging from sweet and sassy to steamy and sultry.

  Her constant writing companions are two cats and Australian Shepherd. When she’s not writing, Skye enjoys spending time with family, photography, volleyball, traveling, and curling up with a cup of coffee and reading.


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  Hot Tree Publishing opened its doors in 2015 with an aspiration to bring quality fiction to the world of readers. With the initial focus on romance and a wide spread of romance subgenres, Hot Tree Publishing has since opened their first imprint, Tangled Tree Publishing, specializing in crime, mystery, suspense, and thriller.

  Firmly seated in the industry as a leading editing provider to independent authors and small publishing houses, Hot Tree Publishing is the sister company to Hot Tree Editing, founded in 2012. Having established in-house editing and promotions, plus having a well-respected market presence, Hot Tree Publishing endeavors to be a leader in bringing quality stories to the world of readers.

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